Friday, April 16, 2010


So it's official. I've ripped off the scab that's been dangling in my system for the past three or four months. The hangnail. The band-aid. The muta. The tutuli. The blur on my lenses. And I did it in the best possible way. I walked away, not with a heavy heart, but with a smile. I am walking away happy, accomplished, and fulfilled. I can't get into details just yet until it's official. But the sense of fulfillment and simultaneous relief is unlike any other. It was a good run. Now to move on to the next chapter of my life. Choose happiness... in anything that you do. Life is short and time is fleeting. You don't wanna get caught up in a web.

Had a good talk today with two of my buddies. HB over a quick lunch since he had to be at work. And my nowadays life coach and new buddy Mark who I bonded with over a gazillion bottles of red horse until the sun rose. Nice to know that my friends have my back no matter what :)

Kinda nervous though because I'm pursuing two passions that I always just took as a hobby, and maybe for granted. But I have to put myself out there and subject myself to the uncertainty of not knowing for sure... in the hopes of really nurturing these strengths. That's the only way I'll get far. Let's do this!


Lunch: Itallianis
3 slices of bread w/ balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and parmesan cheese
3 glasses of dalandan juice
1/3 order baked zitti
Crusted Dory

It's Mr. Tell-All HB Alumisin. I miss this guy. Buddy for life.

1 Venti Mint Tea

Midnight Snack:
5 Bottles of Red Horse
Quarter Pounder Meal w/ Small Fries, no Soda

Ibang level

 Lifecoach. Kunwari bangag. Well it is like 6 in the morning.

Take two.


- 2000 and Thin

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